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A Functional Medicine Health Coaching Collaborative


COVID-19 has us living in uncertain times. We now know that individuals and communities that have higher levels of co-morbidities are at much higher risk for developing severe COVID disease.  However, there are some fundamental principles that remain constant: the importance of maintaining our health, finding joy in the day to day and building our mental and physical resilience.  


The good news is that chronic disease conditions are reversible, often with nutrition and lifestyle changes.  This time brings us opportunity to improve health, strengthen our immune systems and become less vulnerable. Functional Medicine Health Coaching can guide you through this process.  


We really are in this together, and this IS the time.

CHANGE IS HARD. Over 85% of chronic disease is not due to genes, but our environment, lifestyle choices and behavior.  The numbers are staggering and growing by the day. Changing long established patterns is easier said than done. Taking the first step to make the change requires work, effort and a plan. We are here to help.

​THE PROBLEM. In today's hyper informational world, we know that in order to be healthy, we should sleep, reduce stress, eat well and move our bodies more.  The real issue however, is that many struggle with developing a strategy on how to achieve a sustainable level of wellness in order to live a more vital and happier life. One size does not fit all.  You are unique and your strategy and support system is just as individual as you are.  

SUPPORT & STRATEGY: We Be Wellness certified functional medicine health coaches bring a collaborative approach in helping you identify and achieve your health goals. 

Artichoke flower on a dark background. P

What is a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach? 

Health and wellness coaches work with individuals and groups in a

client-centered process to facilitate and empower the client to develop and achieve self-determined goals related to health and wellness. Coaches support clients in mobilizing internal strengths and external resources, and in developing self-management strategies for making sustainable, healthy lifestyle, behavior changes. 

- The National Board of Health & Wellness Coaching (NBHWC)

Life preserver hanging on a wall in B&W.

Coaches train in behavior change

& motivational techniques.


Rather than acting as the expert and giving advice, the coach creates an environment that gives the client permission to take the lead. They adhere to what the client wants, not what the coach thinks they should want.


The client determines their unique goals through a process of self-discovery and accountability, and the coach facilitates change at a pace set by the client.

Coaches Do:

  • Provide general education about biomarkers

  • Listen with compassion and acknowledge emotions 

  • Educate clients to become discerning consumers 

  • Empower clients to seek information and create their own personalized plans 

  • Provide unconditional support

  • Help clients understand the diagnosis and plan of care 

  • Refer to experts and reputable resources 

Coaches Do Not:


  • Provide diagnosis or treatment recommendations 

  • Order or interpret labs 

  • Recommend or sell supplements 

  • Provide psychotherapy 

  • Design exercise plans 

Image by Joanna Kosinska

Functional Medicine Health Coaching addresses the following Elements of Wellbeing:



One third of our life is spent sleeping.  Getting the rest you need is critical for your body to function optimally.

“A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.”

- Irish Proverb



At its best, food is energy, information, medicine and connection.

"The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison."

- Ann Wigmore



Daily movement is an opportunity to connect with our bodies.  Done with intention, physical movement should revitalize us.

"Nothing is more revealing than movement. All that is important in this one moment is movement. Make the moment important, vital, and worth living."

- Martha Graham



Finding ways to prevent the build-up of stress and to respond to situations in life with resilience.

"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."

- Viktor E. Frankl



Social connection can lower anxiety, help us regulate our emotions, lead to higher self-esteem, and actually improve our immune systems.

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”

~ Helen Keller



A sense of purpose is the motivation that drives us towards a satisfying future. It helps us to get the most from the things we do and achieve.

"There are only two ways to live your life: one is as if everything is a miracle, the other is as though nothing is a miracle."

- Albert Einstein


Founded and managed by two board certified functional medicine coaches, We Be Wellness integrates principles of Functional Medicine and Nutrition with Positive Psychology coaching techniques, mind-body medicine and the psychology of eating. Grounded in the belief of collaborative care, We Be Wellness strives to work with clients to identify ways to empower transformation, not just supply information.  We consider ourselves the bridge between knowledge and action.  We Be Wellness leverages the Functional Medicine model of looking at upstream causes and lifestyle factors to guide, assist and support a model of sustained optimal wellness. 


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Caroline Kusnetz, MBA, FMCHC, NBC-HWC

Certified Bredesen ReCODE™ Practitioner

Wildfit Coach (Candidate)
Co-Founder | Functional Medicine Health Coach


Caroline Kusnetz is a ReCode™ trained board certified functional medicine health coach. Caroline is most passionate about brain health and optimization.  She believes passionately in the ability to prevent serious degenerative brain diseases through our daily choices.  Caroline helps her clients build awareness and guide them to discover how optimal health feels. She works with them to highlight and dispel (or extinguish) their limiting beliefs around what is within their control and to develop a foundation and plan for living vibrantly.  Building a sustainable lifestyle through focusing on fitness, health, and optimal nutrition has been a lifelong passion of hers. Caroline has always looked at life as a series of endurance challenges to be met with optimism and joy and sharing with others the realization that the outcome often far exceeds what one believes is even possible.  World traveler, former technology executive, iron woman, entrepreneur, truth seeker, death defier, Mother, functional medicine health coach, photographer, survivor, work in progress, Caroline lives in NYC with her husband and two children.

Carly Kaufman, MPH, M.Ed, FMCHC, NBC-HWC

Co-Founder | Functional Medicine Health Coach


Carly Kaufman is a board certified functional medicine health coach with over 25 years’ experience in the fields of public health, wellness and education. A former non-profit leader, public health crusader, educator and technology executive, Carly has spent her career focusing on the health of individuals and communities. Carly's straightforward and supportive coaching style helps clients look at life patterns and set goals in achieving better wellness; be it a restful night's sleep, moving more, learning stress management techniques, incorporating a new nutrition plan or all of the above. A believer in embracing the process, and incorporating humor as much as possible, Carly brings a no-nonsense approach to her client-led sessions. Carly has a specific interest in gut and women's health and values education as an important part of behavior change.  An active trip planner, aspiring tennis player, cookbook collector, knowledge seeker, New York Times crossword fan and fair-weather skier- Carly lives in Seattle, Washington with her husband, two boys and dog, Bowie. 

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Image by Markus Spiske


We believe that connection, purpose, good nutrition, movement, sleep and mindfulness are the cornerstones of wellbeing. 


We believe that true health and wellbeing are the foundation of a fulfilled life.  Without it, little else matters.

We believe that health is a human right not a privilege.

We believe that everyone should feel welcome, seen, heard, valued, loved and supported.

 We believe, our thoughts are more powerful than we know. What we hold in our mind is what our lives will become. We believe in choosing our thoughts carefully.

We believe we are the experts of our own lives.  We are each unique and one size does not fit all.

We believe that we are energetic bodies and that a supportive environment can provide the power to heal. The choices we make either aid or hinder this process. 

We believe our ability to choose is our greatest freedom and our greatest strength. We can’t always control the things that happen outside of us but we can control our inner experience.

We believe in the power of partnership. Healing happens in community. We believe in understanding root causes of illness by fostering a network of care which includes medical providers, health coaches, nutritionists, therapists and other healing professionals to achieve the best health outcomes.


We believe that Wellness starts with WE. We are We Be Wellness.  

We Believe


  • What is Functional Medicine?
    According to the Institute of Functional Medicine, “ The Functional Medicine model is an individualized, patient-centered, science-based approach that empowers patients and practitioners to work together to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal wellness. It requires a detailed understanding of each patient’s genetic, biochemical, and lifestyle factors and leverages that data to direct personalized treatment plans that lead to improved patient outcomes. By addressing root cause, rather than symptoms, practitioners become oriented to identifying the complexity of disease. They may find one condition has many different causes and, likewise, one cause may result in many different conditions. As a result, Functional Medicine treatment targets the specific manifestations of disease in each individual.”
  • How are you different from my doctor?
    We are not doctors. We do have the ability to work collaboratively with physicians/healthcare providers or independently. As Functional Medicine health coaches, we cannot diagnose and prescribe medication, but we can help clients understand their diagnosis and treatment plans better. We Be Wellness has the time and skills to help you with behavior change and commonly compliment the care you are receiving from your physician.
  • Can I work with you even if I am not seeing a Functional Medicine Practitioner?
    Absolutely. The areas of focus that health coaches work on ( Nutrition, Physical Activity, Stress Management, Sleep, etc..) are universally accepted as best practices in combating chronic disease and achieving better health.
  • Is Functional Medicine Health Coaching for me?
    We believe everyone could benefit from a Functional Medicine Health Coach. We are all a work in progress. If you identify with any of the following, please contact us. You are currently being treated for a chronic condition. A chronic or autoimmune condition runs in your family. You struggle to maintain an ideal weight. You desire more energy, focus and vitality. You want a more restful night’s sleep. A consistent exercise habit has been difficult to establish. Stress is negatively impacting your quality of life. You feel ill-equipped to handle even small life stressors. You feel rushed when visiting your doctor and would like more time to discuss plan of care. You would like to follow doctor’s recommendations, but are challenged on where to begin. You are ready to take control of your health and make sustainable, life long changes. You want to optimize your health in preparation of pregnancy. You are concerned about your memory and cognition.
  • What can clients expect when they meet you?
    Sessions last approximately 30-50 mins and conducted via Zoom video conferencing or in person ( if living in New York City or Seattle). Clients share what’s on their mind, physician reports/recommendations and/or how they are feeling. Coaches will work with clients to identify character strengths, values, long term vision and priorities through a process called Motivational Interviewing. We Be Wellness coaches can offer information/suggestions on strategies to improve health. A plan is co-created: Clients, with the coach’s help, make an overall plan with short term goals that feel comfortable and attainable. Coaches and clients partner to incorporate accountability for long term success.
  • How many sessions should I book?
    This depends on you and the complexity of the issues you want to work on. We advise our clients to purchase a package of 5 or 10 sessions. You can also purchase week to week. The sessions take place every 1-2 weeks. During our complimentary introductory session we can discuss best fit and approach.
  • How can clients make an appt with you?
    Email us individually or make an appointment here. We are happy to answer any questions you may have. Click here to Schedule an Appointment.
  • Who do I contact regarding Dr. Bredesen’s ReCode Protocol?
    If you are interested in working with WeBe Wellness on Cognitive Health or specifically in support of Dr. Bredesen’s ReCODE Protocol (™), please contact us HERE.
  • Do you run group programming or workshops for companies?
    Yes, please contact us to discuss specifics.
  • How are we unique?
    Our collective life experience, our own health struggles and triumphs and our collaborative partnership provides opportunity for individualized support plans. We Be Wellness coaches are board certified by the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC) and certified from the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy . We believe in the power of collaboration and education. The national board exam provides our coaches with minimum standards and measures foundational competencies: the knowledge, tasks and skills essential to the practice of health and wellness coaching. There are currently just over 3000 board certified health and wellness coaches nationwide.

Please share some information about your patient to help improve progress and quality of care through health coaching or drop send an email at  *An email may not be HIPAA compliant. 

Thanks for submitting!


Physicians and practitioners enhance their practice by partnering with Functional Medicine Health Coaches. We Be Wellness provides complimentary care and ideally works in partnership to treat the whole person alongside other healthcare professionals.   It is often challenging for a physician to address the many lifestyle factors that play a role in chronic illness, evidence shows that by working with health coaches, patients' health outcomes improve at a greater rate than seeing physicians alone.  Health coaches help close the gap between intention and action. 


To learn more about partnering with Functional Medicine Health Coaches, please contact us.


To Refer a patient to We Be Wellness, please fill out the Following Form:










We Be Well Together Workshop Series

Promoting Resilience During Covid Times: A Group Approach to Thriving in a Pandemic

  • Sundays, Beginning January 10th, 8:30am PST/11:30am EDT to 10am PST/1:00pm EDT

  • Tuesdays, Beginning January 12th, 5:00pm PST/8:00 EDT to 6:30pm PST/9:30pm EDT

  • Thursdays, Beginning January 14th, 9:00am PST/12pm EDT to 10:30am PST/1:30pm EDT


If interested, please book here.

We Be Wellness provides ongoing workshop series throughout the year. Check HERE to see availability.


If you are interested in personalized workshops for

your place of business or group, please contact us to arrange.


If you are interested in personalized workshops for

your place of business or group, please contact us to arrange.



How can coaching help you?

Together we can explore your readiness and motivation to change and identify and focus on areas that concern you the most.  Your path to wellness will be enhanced by incorporating your signature strengths and setting personalized goals.  Coaching can also provide the missing link of accountability in whatever way feels most comfortable for you. 


Health coaching will provide the bridge from Intention to Action.


20 Minute



20 Minute








We Be Well Together

Workshop Series

We Be Well Together

Workshop Series

Wildfit™ 90 Transformative Health Program

Wildfit™ 90 Transformative Health Program

Bredesen Recode & Precode Cognitive Coaching Programs

Bredesen Recode & Precode Cognitive Coaching Programs

Gift of Wellness

Gift Certificate


Gift of Wellness

Gift Certificate


*As always, a sliding fee scale will be available to those experiencing financial hardship on a case by case basis. 



To register for individual coaching sessions or We Be Well Together Workshops, fill in your contact information and specify what you are signing up for in the message box.  You will be contacted via email with further details.
If you have  questions or would like to learn more about what we can offer, please do not hesitate to reach out. We would love to connect with you.
In good health,
Carly and Caroline
Co-Founders, We Be Wellness

Thanks for submitting!


Bredesen ReCode &

PreCode Cognitive Coaching

According to Dr. Bredesen’s research, all adults 45 or older, especially those with close relatives suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, should be recommended a cognoscopy to determine their risk for development as well as to ensure preventative treatment is implemented as early as possible. With these screening tests to detect early signs of the disease, earlier diagnosis will be made possible and with it, better outcomes.

As ReCODE™ Coaches, we will team with your physician and create a personalized program for you.  Together we will work to support you in implementing changes to your daily routine that can improve cognition and brain health, including the use of whole, unprocessed foods, nutritional supplements, detoxification, relaxation, movement, proper sleep, stress management and healthy lifestyle choices.

Please contact us to learn more about Bredesen ReCODE™ Cognitive Health Coaching and how to proactively protect your brain and your cognition.   * All Bredesen ReCode Sessions coached by Caroline Kusnetz


PreCode™ Preventative

Cognitive Coaching


PreCode™ Preventative Cognitive Coaching: This program is appropriate for people who are looking to optimize their cognitive health but are not experiencing symptoms of cognitive impairment. The PreCode™ report includes a subset of the labs and testing of the full ReCode™ (Reversing of Cognitive Decline) Program and is not intended for people who are currently having memory issues.

ReCode™ Reversal of

Cognitive Decline Coaching


This program is targeted to people who are experiencing cognitive decline ranging from minimal changes to a full Alzheimer’s diagnosis. ReCode™ includes a thorough assessment of current cognitive abilities through neurological testing, a broad array of labs which looks at insulin resistance, inflammation, hormone and trophic status, vitamin and nutrient deficiencies, lipids, genetic markers, heavy metals as well as possible Volumetric Brain MRI.


What is the WildFIT 90 challenge?


WILDFIT© is a transformational nutrition program that will guide you step by step towards a permanent change in how you eat and think about food. It's the perfect program for achieving true food freedom. A key WILDFIT principle is that “every living thing has a diet” and that the degree to which a species can stay on its diet is a measure of its health and longevity. This 90-day program focuses on your MINDSET. It is unlike any other program or diet. 

If you feel like you’ve tried everything but still haven’t been able to release excess weight, have the energy you want, or feel as young as you think you should you’re in the right place. If you’re sick and tired of feeling powerless around certain foods and want to genuinely enjoy healthier foods (but aren’t sure if that’s even possible!), you’re in the right place. If you have goals and dreams that would be so much easier to achieve if you had more energy, better sleep, and improved focus, you’re in the right place.


WILDFIT happens in community. You will have support and

coaching before, during and after the 90 Day Challenge. Our next

challenge kicks-off on February 15, 2021. What an amazing way to set the foundation for an incredible 2021. Please contact us if you would like to learn more. If you are ready to join the 90 day WILDFIT™ Challenge, please sign up here.

For more details on the program, click here for a detailed brochure.


 * All Wildfit sessions are coached by Caroline Kusnetz


© Copyright We Be Wellness 2020. All Rights Reserved.

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