Benefits of Social Connection
The social environment can play an important role in protecting against cognitive decline in older age (Seeman, Lusignolo, Albert & Berkman, 2001) and having strong social networks contributes to better health outcomes for older people (Huxhold, Fiori & Windsor, 2013).
People with significant mental illness report that the support of family and friends was the most important factor in aiding their recovery (S. Cohen, 2005).
Successful workgroups are more likely when employees are friends with their colleagues (Harter et al., 2003).
Happiness is contagious - people who are surrounded by happy people are also more likely to be happy (Fowler & Christakis, 2008).
Our Tips​
Build community by focusing on personal interests i.e. joining a class or group.
Step out of your comfort zone and ask questions of the people you don’t know well to find out more about them.
Create opportunities to connect whether it is taking a walk with a friend, hosting a dinner or inviting someone for coffee
Get in touch with people you’ve not spoken to for a while, like a relative or friend who lives in a different city or town.
Smile first.