Bredesen Protocol™
ReCode Starter Package
PreCode™ Preventative Cognitive Coaching:
This program is appropriate for people who are looking to optimize their cognitive health but are not experiencing symptoms of cognitive impairment. The PreCode™ report includes a subset of the labs and testing of the full ReCode™ (Reversing of Cognitive Decline) Program and is not intended for people who are currently having memory issues.
Here is a summary of what the Bredesen PreCode Protocol™ Starter Package includes:
One-60 minute foundational session which includes a detailed PreCode report review and prioritization, nutritional assessment, lifestyle and dietary recommendations and support materials and education to get you started on the Bredesen Protocol™. Topics covered:
Optimizing Nutrition - Ketosis troubleshooting
Movement recommendations and education on current science around which methods are most brain protective
Review of Sleep and wind-down routine and where highest leverage points are for most restful sleep
Identification of key stressors and how to mitigate them
Understanding the importance of and solidifying a plan for ongoing support and connection
Co-creation of a comprehensive, customized game plan for achieving success on the Pre-Code Program
CNS Vital Signs™ - Neurocognitive Baseline Report
2nd CNS Vital Signs™ - Neurocognitive Follow-up Report at 6 Months
Initial PreCode™ personalized cognitive assessment report and recommendations
Second PreCode™ personalized cognitive assessment report and follow-up recommendations at 6 months (or 4 months if requested by the client)
Eight-20 minute follow-up sessions to occur over the following four to six months to assist you in protecting and optimizing your memory and cognition through implementation of the Bredesen Protocol™. The sessions will be:
Client Driven: focusing on current challenges, questions and obstacles. Ensure the client feels heard and fully understands why and what they are doing.
Progress Oriented: setting and reviewing progress on S.M.A.R.T. Goals set the prior session. Troubleshooting to evaluate what is working and what can be tweaked for optimized result
Potential recommendations for further lab or nutrient testing with your physician.
Supplement recommendations based on the Bredesen Protocol™
Ongoing (reasonable) email support in between visits - response time 24 hours
Coordination with primary physician, if requested
Note: all health coaching sessions are via phone or video chat unless otherwise indicated
Bredesen Protocol™ PreCode Starter Package:
Direct Coaching Time with Caroline: 220 minutes
Duration of support: 4 to 6 months
ReCode™ Reversal of Cognitive Decline Coaching:
This program is targeted to people who are experiencing cognitive decline ranging from minimal changes to a full
Alzheimer’s diagnosis. ReCode™ includes a thorough assessment of current cognitive abilities through neurological testing, a broad array of labs which looks at insulin resistance, inflammation, hormone and trophic status, vitamin and nutrient deficiencies, lipids, genetic markers, heavy metals as well as possible Volumetric Brain MRI.
The program is highly customized and can involve other targeted tests as well e.g. Sleep Apnea Assessment, EEG and more extensive genetic testing to name a few.
Here is a summary of what the Bredesen ReCode Protocol™ Starter Package includes:
One-90 minute foundational session which includes a detailed ReCode report review and prioritization, nutritional assessment, lifestyle and dietary recommendations and support materials and education to get you started on the Bredesen Protocol™. Topics covered:
Optimizing Nutrition - Ketosis troubleshooting
Movement recommendations and education on current science around which methods are most brain protective
Review of Sleep and wind-down routine and where highest leverage points are for most restful sleep
Identification of key stressors and how to mitigate them
Understanding the importance of and solidifying a plan for ongoing support and connection
Co-creation of a comprehensive, customized game plan for achieving success on the Pre-Code Program
CNS Vital Signs™ - Neurocognitive Baseline Report (1)
CNS Vital Signs™ - Neurocognitive Review and Reports Monthly (5)
Initial ReCode™ personalized cognitive assessment report and recommendations
Eight-30 minute follow-up sessions to occur over the following six months to assist you in protecting and optimizing your memory and cognition through implementation of the Bredesen Protocol™. The sessions will be:
Client Driven: focusing on current challenges, questions and obstacles. Ensure the client feels heard and fully understands why and what they are doing.
Progress Oriented: setting and reviewing progress on S.M.A.R.T. Goals set the prior session. Troubleshooting to evaluate what is working and what can be tweaked for optimized result
Potential recommendations for further lab or nutrient testing with your physician.
Supplement recommendation based on the Bredesen Protocol™
Ongoing (reasonable) email support in between visits - response time 24 hours
Coordination with primary physician or neurologist, if requested
Note: all health coaching sessions are via phone or video chat unless otherwise indicated
Bredesen Protocol™ PreCode Starter Package:
Direct Coaching Time with Caroline: 330 minutes
Duration of support: 6 months